sike sona

Welcome to sike sona!

sike sona is a web ring for folks doing work combining computing with the social sciences, arts, and humanities!


  1. Genevieve Clifford: Computer Science (Digital Economy & Society) PhD Student at Swansea University’s FITLab. In her PhD, she is exploring transgender digital poverty in Wales. Genevieve is part of the Welsh Graduate School for Social Sciences.

  2. honor ash: Artist and writer based in Norwich, UK; their work explores communication, community, trust & power, both on and offline.

  3. Ninian James Frenguelli: Criminology PhD Student in CYTREC at Swansea University. His PhD uses computational methods (scraping, analysis) to explore gender in online spaces used by the far right. Ninian is part of the Welsh Graduate School for Social Sciences.